Tuesday, July 5, 2011



As you can see from the videos, rapid intervention is the key to avoiding or minimizing adverse outcomes for the newborn. There a several nursing interventions that can be instituted when bradycardia or other non reassuring fetal heart patterns are identified. They include the following:
1. Apply oxygen via face mask at 8-10 liters/minute to the mother
2. Turn patient on her left side to maximize blood flow to the placenta
3. Turn off a pitocin drip if one is running
4. Open the IV for hydration
5. Most importantly - Notify the physician!!!

Be sure to document the fetal heart tracing as you see it, describing it accurately. Be sure to include the baseline FHR, variability, any accelerations or decelerations, describe the depth and duration of the decelerations, and relationship to the contractions. Be sure to document all communications with physicians.

Please post your final thoughts and comments. I will return again with another blog to continue on our quest to ensure obstetric safety for all mothers and babies.

Hope you all enjoy the video.


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