Monday, June 20, 2011


The objectives for the EFM course are as follows. The student will be able to:

1. Identify fetal oxygenation needs, mechanical and pharmacological factors influencing fetal oxygenation.
2. Recognize EFM elements consistent with normal oxygenation and possible evolving metabolic acidemia, and the interventions for each.
3. Define and recognize all elements of EFM tracing including: FHR baseline, variability, accelerations, decelerations, and uterine contraction characteristics using the standard NICHD nomenclature.
4. Distinguish abnormal FHR tracings from normal
5. Recognize common perinatal complications, noting both maternal and fetal responses.
6. Evaluate interventions and modify plan of care.
7. Apply current standards of practice, documentation essentials and legal principles relative to EFM.

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